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Monday, October 31, 2011

Blog #5 The "Other" "Gattaca"

     In the hypothesis of George J. Annas he writes as if the world in a more savage manner, considering the points of view as if the humans were some kind of savages in which control of one another would resolve the situation of which species is more superior than the other. In consideration of the movie "Gattaca" the in-valid's or in this excerpt "others" were the ones prohibited  on doing what the genetic sciences believed to be completely inferior to the valid's which are the genetic perfections in this utopia. Vincent and Anton two brothers from different origins so to speak one made from love and compassion just a genetic confirmation of the perfect son. Vincent once told what he could and couldn't do as an in-valid, he proceeded to continue on his task to go "out there" as he would say. Doubted and discouraged by his own loved ones he determined himself to make it whether one way or another, in which case if you think of the aspect in which put in and consider human society now a days, the misunderstanding of something can lead into despair, confusion and fear of another type of superior human being. So our cause of fear may lead us into the state of mind whether its us or them, they're either going to enslave us or we going to exterminate them. Until this day we all do that as a social status, more common in high school as the cool kids, nerds and just the outcasts its a constant battle for superiority in this social atmosphere, so with given exceptions and associations of different company like Vincent can accomplish anything but the knowledge of people fear what they don't understand always leads to a species fight to be superior to another. Example of such actions would be terminator, a place where the human race evolved such a superior kind of technological advancement that to protect the human population so well that the machine than began to believe that even humans were a threat to its existence then taking all its abiding other systems and putting an end to humans its creator and major threat. Removing all these threats will ensure the survival and continue on-going nature of this superior technology. With war there is always a resistance and fight to keep themselves alive, i.e. John Conner, the man who decided to stand against the machines to preserve his existence in this world of ravaging machines trying to destroy whats left of the human race. So the comprehension of new things is always going to be a doubt in the particular minds of the pessimistic and oblivious, not knowing that its been happening for so long now that its not going to be of any surprise when people start to become drones of this society one way or the other. Even to the simplest extents of everyday life you can see who people react to the unknown, home-less hungry beggars get looked at with a sign of disgust and no value but yet that can be any one and yet still not a sign of compassion shown but tons of superior judgements because thus the people have more than the other. Its the competition of who is the most dominant individual as if in a heard of animals their can only be one who stands up for all typically kind of the same way our everyday lives calculate whether we believe it or not but yet very common among us today. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

essay #1

          In the excerpt "The allegory of the cave", has more of a feeling of a prisoner instead of an illusion. The matrix on the other hand is a little more deliberate to me than Plato's excerpt. In a real life scenario, most common threats are nuclear and biological warfare, meaning that a posy apocalyptic world is more readily embraced than stepping out of a cave.
          The United States Government is a very conspicuous creature all its on. While the media and elected officials state the war in Iraq is being won, everyday a service member has to kill or be killed. Aware that hes fighting for his fellow members and freedom for everyone back in the u.s.a. Nonetheless, the question always que'd in the rear of my head , why am i really here? why would I kill someone I've never met? Regardless, like in the matrix we as service members are given options (limited but options nonetheless) either you can serve you time honorably and return to your hometown and proceed to live in world of cover-ups,lies and misguidance, or stay in this world where simple orders and instructions make us seem as drones enslaved by a higher ranked individual with no regards as to who,what,where,why and how. Just do as you're told and no questions as if the matrix where machines enslaved the human race.
          In time of Julius Cesar, he so called had a vision, an idea. The greatness of Rome, knowing well that Rome was the mob he decided to please the mob therefore blinding the people and removing the senate. Oblivious to actions partaking in the emperors mind, fed by the blood dripped on the sand of the coliseum and bread and wine as a gift remembrance of a love the emperor had for them, enslaved by the emperor and blind-sided by the joy and pleasure of the games. Once the games were done and the senate either incarcerated, executed or exiled the people are now awake to the reality of what Rome has become.
          In accordance to the ideas of the matrix and the comprehension that when looking for answers to specific questions you must open your eyes and step out of your comfort zone. Oedipus, a king ,a killer and son all of which founded upon lies, but with the truth of his childhood and present day life exposed. Not baring the truth its as if this were already routed for me to go down that path. But neo had the choice live in a world as u knew it , or live in this world of destruction mayhem and enslavement by what we created to help us. The resemblance in some aspects I still strongly follow the matrix and they're thoughts.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Blog 4: Ignorance, Bliss, and Knowledge in Oedipus the King and The Matrix.

In the text “Oedipus the king” the difference between truth and reality go hand in hand. Once the Oedipus wanted to know the truth about his father’s murder and his marriage to his own mother was brought to light, it was no wonder he could not believe it. Similar to what follows in the matrix when neo is still in the phase of confusion and denial about what’s the truth and what’s fiction puts him in a particular situation as such where he wonders himself what’s the truth and if he really wants to know what reality really is. In the real world for neo its mayhem, destruction and nuclear and biological war and being enslaved by the machines that once helped us at some point in our lives. As in Oedipus when the truth was told to him by the oracle he believed the oracle was just full of lies and believed the oracle was treacherous somewhat like what neo thought about the matrix in beginning it couldn’t be real. Once the whole story was put into play there was no stopping the flow of truth to Oedipus’ ears, knowing that he murdered his own father and married his own mother for the fact that he was an infant obsessed with what his mother had to offer him.
                                When offered the chance to be oblivious to the outside world and not ever know the answers to what the matrix really is Neo decides to continue his exploration of the truth but yet encountering various particular situations along the way. When brought to the room and seen all the powerful children but not aware that any of them were worthy of what was being offered he then wanted to know why. Unlike the text with Oedipus the king, the truth was more of a discoverable key factor for neo in order for him to find the truth he was more put in the truth to figure it out on his own and yet guided throughout the whole situation. When put in a shot out and being able to dodge bullets and being faster than the average man, puts into perspective that this is not the world of truth but a world created to hide the truth from the people in which can’t accept it or the factors that may bring the truth to light and expose all.  In noticing what he was actually capable of doing and knowing that he himself had control of what he could do he decided to be on the outside of the matrix and living around it as time went by and wanting to strive to figure out what alternate truths  lies beyond in this dystopia
                                Oedipus was a text in which there was no way for him to avoid what was already written in his fate, but in the matrix he in my opinion made his own fate and decided to do things in a different fashion, whereas, Oedipus no matter what he did his fate would always be written because due to his graphic nature and personal self being. Regardless of what would occur the truth of what had really occurred in his life with the slaughter of his son by thieves and the conspiracy with his father’s murder and conflict of truth when he married his mother was just too much to bare. As for neo he decided to continue on his search for answers and continue to unfold the mysteries of the matrix. Oedipus on the other hand, with the fact of ignoring the truth and prophecy from the oracle he tried to make it where it would work to his advantage and would get him what he needed, the answer. Like in the matrix regardless of the fact that neo knows he’s not the “one” he still risks his life to save Morpheus it was instinct of free will in action to save another person, Oedipus has the same situation in which he decides to send his son away only to be approached with the bitter truth of his sons slaughter to the hand of thieves. Regardless making his worse dreams reality because of his denial to what he had to face in life was not what he expected to be nor was his childhood either in regards to the murder of his own father because of jealousy and control of his obsession.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Utopia, dystopia or realities

The matrix was more of an accurate envision of the allegory of the cave. Reason being in my opinion is a lot like the two choices in which neo is given to either stay in the virtual reality world and abide and act as if nothing exist or fight it and be in control as if the matrix is not the reality and are well aware of the surroundings in which you currently find yourself in. Commonly known in the military as combat stress, where once you have returned from combat you can’t really interact with the rest of society. Due to the fact where your mindset is in combat even when you’re back with loved ones and friends, kind of to where in the matrix when they return to the real world it’s all nuclear war and all has gone it has somewhat of a similar feeling when dealing with combat stress and the after effects of returning back to non-hostile environment.
                                                The scorching heat of day to day sun in the blistering desert, dry hot air no kind of breeze no shade in which to take refuge under, looking at the long horizon where in my eyes looks like nothing else but I long beach with no water front in view of the naked eye. Nonetheless, like being shackled and not being aware of what lies beyond the four walls in which you have been held captive too, but once released and brought to a light, confused and unaware of the huge change in scenario in which you have just stepped into has put your mind in a state of trance. Wondering if this is really what you want or if you would rather go back to what you have been so accustomed too, and yet so well fond of or will you continue to dwell in confusion and juts hope that you will come to you senses and adapt to this new environment you have been introduced to.
                                          Seeing the shadows of others but not being able to communicate with them due to the loud echo of your voice through the cave brings the same perception. Surrounded by so many but yet in ways not allowed to communicate with them, unaware of what they may be capable of doing to you or your friends must maintain vigilant and attentive to the situation. Even when not in the situation anymore still the common day to day expectations irritate one as if he had the same rules and guidelines as the entire world should follow. Once in dystopia of what some call society and life, we feel as if outcasts not used to the unorganized way of conduct the random self-influenced actions that we see.  Where we once used to be set at a certain and place with cover and alignment among more than 20 people has no turned into long lines people in a constant state of hurry and desperation, with no sense of time management or organizational and accountability skills just wander around as if sheep in the large meadows without a herder, aimlessly confused and no knowledge of what lies beyond the ordinary. So now I wonder do I really want to remain in this reality or return to what I have most commonly known to live and guide by?
                                     In a particular situation as such was Adolf Hitler like mentioned before he believed that in eliminating the Jewish population he would clean his country and race from this absurd infestation that he believed to be inferior to him or any other German. When all actuality in the eyes of people outside of his own were charmed by his charisma and way with the people, but on the U.S.A side he was nothing but a mass murderer and committing serious acts of genocide in and all around early Germany. Once seeing that his mass army was putting to its end, his reign of dis functional behavior and methods of purification were all about to be put to laid rest he came back to reality that not everyone all over the world had the same feeling about cleansing out a race or population and therefore his reality came to a screeching halt.