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Sunday, October 30, 2011

essay #1

          In the excerpt "The allegory of the cave", has more of a feeling of a prisoner instead of an illusion. The matrix on the other hand is a little more deliberate to me than Plato's excerpt. In a real life scenario, most common threats are nuclear and biological warfare, meaning that a posy apocalyptic world is more readily embraced than stepping out of a cave.
          The United States Government is a very conspicuous creature all its on. While the media and elected officials state the war in Iraq is being won, everyday a service member has to kill or be killed. Aware that hes fighting for his fellow members and freedom for everyone back in the u.s.a. Nonetheless, the question always que'd in the rear of my head , why am i really here? why would I kill someone I've never met? Regardless, like in the matrix we as service members are given options (limited but options nonetheless) either you can serve you time honorably and return to your hometown and proceed to live in world of cover-ups,lies and misguidance, or stay in this world where simple orders and instructions make us seem as drones enslaved by a higher ranked individual with no regards as to who,what,where,why and how. Just do as you're told and no questions as if the matrix where machines enslaved the human race.
          In time of Julius Cesar, he so called had a vision, an idea. The greatness of Rome, knowing well that Rome was the mob he decided to please the mob therefore blinding the people and removing the senate. Oblivious to actions partaking in the emperors mind, fed by the blood dripped on the sand of the coliseum and bread and wine as a gift remembrance of a love the emperor had for them, enslaved by the emperor and blind-sided by the joy and pleasure of the games. Once the games were done and the senate either incarcerated, executed or exiled the people are now awake to the reality of what Rome has become.
          In accordance to the ideas of the matrix and the comprehension that when looking for answers to specific questions you must open your eyes and step out of your comfort zone. Oedipus, a king ,a killer and son all of which founded upon lies, but with the truth of his childhood and present day life exposed. Not baring the truth its as if this were already routed for me to go down that path. But neo had the choice live in a world as u knew it , or live in this world of destruction mayhem and enslavement by what we created to help us. The resemblance in some aspects I still strongly follow the matrix and they're thoughts.

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