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Monday, November 28, 2011

blog 8

The allegory of the cave-the harsh reality of life               
Oedipus – the truth is never what you want it to be
Free will and determinism in the world of minority report-how we as individuals can pretty much alter the future by making distinct decisions depending on the circumstances
Minority report- future is never certain and we can always change it no matter what
Gattaca- genetic alterations are never 100% perfect
Matrix- The difference and choice between two worlds a dystopia or utopia
                                I think throughout all the texts and movies viewed that the conclusion id have to say most abides to me is the one of that how we as individuals we can alter our decisions to make better ones and change our future. Knowing that we can make a mistake at any time but yet do our fondest to correct it, and not get chased down by men with rocket packs because we had a thought of killing someone than for one mistake get put away for life. Oedipus, minority report, gattaca all have one thing in common to me that they all had the power to make the choice to do something or not willing and knowing the consequences of the choices made they disregarded them. Oedipus, searched for the truth from his mother about his father and herself, not liking the outcome but he got what he looked for. Minority report is where the main character had no other choice but to kill a man he never met before but then again making and alternate choice and not taking his life but trying to bring him into justice. Set up to frame the main character he goes through leaps and bounds to find out the truth behind a particular case with missing data, regardless of what the consequences are he moved forward and found the truth. Two choices anticipated by the precogs the man took his own choice and ended his own life not wanting to be incarcerated.        So many situations seem similar and almost all the choices had an alternate method of taking this course but then again they just refused to think thoroughly and continue forward and pushing through the situations brought to they’re attention. I believe that all the texts and movies there could have been an alternate means to solving the situation or going about it but they all made the choice to go and do what they had to do to accomplish their goals regardless of what any ones expectations or answers they had received from them. So id have to say that the free will and ability to make choices and not stick with that one choice but be able to change your mind if need be is beyond any other asset known to us.

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