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Monday, September 26, 2011

The Allegory of The Cave through History (Adolf Hitler)

    Adolf Hitlers was one of the most ruthless dictators of all time living his "Third Reich" from 1933 to 1945, one his most famous ideologies was the so called concept of racial hygiene. By making his own people believe that the perfect German man or woman was of blonde hair and blue eyes, his followers quickly influenced by his charismatic leadership. With ruthless expectations, actions and goals lead to the complete slaughter of 11-14 million people, most of these mass executions took place in concentration camps and ghettos. The Holocaust or "Final solution of the Jewish question" orders carried out on February 22 1942 and it was said to say that Hitler was recorded to say to his associates that " we will regain our health only by eliminating the Jews". The society in which they resided in had the severe confidence that this was the best way for their country to be healthy and well. In actuality what was really conducted was mas genocide against innocent people after causing them through hunger, segregation and banned from the German society as an inferior species. A well topic movie on this particular situation would be " The Pianist" a Jewish piano player living in this time of poverty  and oppression where his strive to live and passion for music influenced a German officer to see aside the racial ethics and see him for a human being. Afterwards the German officer took the initiative provide the hungry homeless man with food and hiding while a German headquarters in the same place of his hiding was being conducted. A good example of how an illusion of what seems to be reality is not what it appears to be seen from the eyes another.     

Sunday, September 25, 2011

(summary) allegory of the cave

      In the text "Allegory of the cave" written by Plato, most commonly known to the question in life as to "what if". Socrates and Glaucon look at each situation among the people residing in the cave as if the scenario would've been different for each of them. Human beings living in a den from they're childhood have no knowing of a different lifestyle or knowledge of nothing aside from what they have been a costumed too. Nonetheless, Socrates make brings different aspects of the life they in which what if it would've been different. "their legs and necks chained so they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning round their heads. Shackled as if animals incarcerated  and not knowing no other feeling but of an animal more or less a prisoner.
    Knowing nothing else but the caverns in which they were born into and just seeing the shadows of themselves and they're counterparts not even able to converse with one another due to the deep lurking echoes of their voices.Being restricted to nothing else but what they have suffering the consequences of they're containment and little knowledge of the world sight. Wondering if these people were freed of they're wrongs whether or not true or false influenced with nothing but the condemned feeling of lack of knowledge of the outside world. In other words in a prior experiment conducted in the movie called "dog pound" strangers where taken to conduct an experiment of how the human mind would react being incarcerated for a period a time, a normal human being whether or not with a pattern  of violence being caged up with no knowing of the realities that lie beyond the walls in which you live in have no conclusion to you. In the text "if compelled to look at the light, will he not have a pain in his eyes which will make him turn away and take refuge in the object of vision which he can see" meaning that if some one were to be forced to act a certain way would they not try to find a reality in all of which is occurring to them but yet still be able to see reality for what it really is?
     Regardless of the means and circumstances in which some all seem to be inconclusive to what they're belief in what reality is. The knowledge of what they have grown to know and lived by, the circumstances they have or have endured when released to the reality of which they have been banned from still leads to a path of nothingness because its not what they have grown into or been exposed to.

Monday, September 19, 2011

the cave

 Prior military experience not only dictates my actions but also my conduct and professionalism as an individual. Punctuality, Discipline, Courtesy, Respect and dignity are major working parts of a Marine Corps service member’s everyday life. Once discharged and continuing my civilian life has been a severe change in reality, what once used to be constant battlefield tactics and procedures have now changed to text books and essays, knowing that not all people in the civilian world go by the same values and understandings we of a very few group of actual war time vets share. In a different aspect of self-reliance and strive is what I have to go off of, not like before when it was always a team effort not me nor I, but us and the team or in my case my marines or my peers. Looking at the way world works outside the walls and restrictions of civilian knowledge to military behavior and motives has given a new meaning to being versatile.
                                In Ten years of constant deployments and war time environment’s has proven not only the mental stress but physical stress factors some have to share. Some not commonly shared by the civilian world but understood by the battle hardened few that have given the ultimate sacrifice to achieve the little bit we have. Not appreciated by many but acknowledged by some, I as person have learned that all our choices have a consequence, all our lives enduring pains and constant battles have an end and we as individuals will dictate what and when will it happen. I chose my path and it only made me who I am today a strong goal orientated individual with no responsibilities such as wife, kids or partner really can focus on what is going to make my long term goals that much easier.
                                One and only one thing that fuels my fire to continue is the idea in which if you don’t for yourself no one will. The world as we know it will not stop its rotation for anyone or anything knowing this I continue with the only things I’ve learned motivation and strive nothing else. The basic tools I need to survive in this so called dog eat dog world. No hesitation, no regrets push forward and continue on , for the rigid road is always the one least traveled and that’s the one I choose to go down for I can enjoy the rewards of hard work and constant strive for the best or better.