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Sunday, September 25, 2011

(summary) allegory of the cave

      In the text "Allegory of the cave" written by Plato, most commonly known to the question in life as to "what if". Socrates and Glaucon look at each situation among the people residing in the cave as if the scenario would've been different for each of them. Human beings living in a den from they're childhood have no knowing of a different lifestyle or knowledge of nothing aside from what they have been a costumed too. Nonetheless, Socrates make brings different aspects of the life they in which what if it would've been different. "their legs and necks chained so they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning round their heads. Shackled as if animals incarcerated  and not knowing no other feeling but of an animal more or less a prisoner.
    Knowing nothing else but the caverns in which they were born into and just seeing the shadows of themselves and they're counterparts not even able to converse with one another due to the deep lurking echoes of their voices.Being restricted to nothing else but what they have suffering the consequences of they're containment and little knowledge of the world sight. Wondering if these people were freed of they're wrongs whether or not true or false influenced with nothing but the condemned feeling of lack of knowledge of the outside world. In other words in a prior experiment conducted in the movie called "dog pound" strangers where taken to conduct an experiment of how the human mind would react being incarcerated for a period a time, a normal human being whether or not with a pattern  of violence being caged up with no knowing of the realities that lie beyond the walls in which you live in have no conclusion to you. In the text "if compelled to look at the light, will he not have a pain in his eyes which will make him turn away and take refuge in the object of vision which he can see" meaning that if some one were to be forced to act a certain way would they not try to find a reality in all of which is occurring to them but yet still be able to see reality for what it really is?
     Regardless of the means and circumstances in which some all seem to be inconclusive to what they're belief in what reality is. The knowledge of what they have grown to know and lived by, the circumstances they have or have endured when released to the reality of which they have been banned from still leads to a path of nothingness because its not what they have grown into or been exposed to.

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