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Monday, September 26, 2011

The Allegory of The Cave through History (Adolf Hitler)

    Adolf Hitlers was one of the most ruthless dictators of all time living his "Third Reich" from 1933 to 1945, one his most famous ideologies was the so called concept of racial hygiene. By making his own people believe that the perfect German man or woman was of blonde hair and blue eyes, his followers quickly influenced by his charismatic leadership. With ruthless expectations, actions and goals lead to the complete slaughter of 11-14 million people, most of these mass executions took place in concentration camps and ghettos. The Holocaust or "Final solution of the Jewish question" orders carried out on February 22 1942 and it was said to say that Hitler was recorded to say to his associates that " we will regain our health only by eliminating the Jews". The society in which they resided in had the severe confidence that this was the best way for their country to be healthy and well. In actuality what was really conducted was mas genocide against innocent people after causing them through hunger, segregation and banned from the German society as an inferior species. A well topic movie on this particular situation would be " The Pianist" a Jewish piano player living in this time of poverty  and oppression where his strive to live and passion for music influenced a German officer to see aside the racial ethics and see him for a human being. Afterwards the German officer took the initiative provide the hungry homeless man with food and hiding while a German headquarters in the same place of his hiding was being conducted. A good example of how an illusion of what seems to be reality is not what it appears to be seen from the eyes another.     

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